

Page history last edited by Mike May, S.J. 6 years, 11 months ago

Web-Enhanced Instruction with GeoGebra

This wiki was used for an online workshop sponsored through the MAA Professional Enhancement Program. Primary funding provided by the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation (DUE-0817071).


It has been built upon as a  repository of instructional material for GeoGebra.


The Original Workshop Page can contains material from the workshop.




GeoGebra is software for visualizing, demonstrating, and exploring mathematics.  It is free, runs on a wide variety of platforms, is backed by an international community of users.  I find it fairly easy to use.


GeoGebra continues to develop.  It has developed both in the mathematical capabilities of the program, and in the ways that it can easily be used to learn and teach mathematics.  The current version is Release 5.  


In providing a guide to learning to use GeoGebra it is worthwhile to realize that it can be used in a number of different ways depending on the desire of the user.  I would start from the easiest to use.


GeoGebra is a tool for:

  1. Finding resources made by others with no setup required; (Finding materials on www.geogebra.org/materials)
  2. Making a personal archive of material made by others for easy access; (Organizing materials into a GeoGebraBook)
  3. Creating activities to use for demonstrations from a  computer; (Using Geogebra as a desktop application)
  4. Making activities that are accessible from a wide range of computing platforms, from desktop computers to tablets to smartphones; (Using materials of the web in a browser, or on versions of the application fro desktops to smartphones)
  5. For sharing material in a group, as with a learning management system. (Using GeoGebra Groups)


A series of activities to get started

  1. Get an account on GeoGebra Materials
  2. Make your first GeoGebra Book and add an activity to your book
  3. Make a copy of a Tube activity into your book so that you can modify it
  4. Create a Geometry activity 
  5. Save an activity you created to GeoGebraTube and import it to a web page. 
  6. Create an Algebra activity
  7. Create a Calculus activity
  8. Make a nice graph to insert on a handout
  9. Create a statistics activity


Some Web Resources

  1. The main GeoGebra site
  2. The archive of resources (GeoGebra Materials)
  3. The online manual
  4. Release Notes 5.0 
  5. The forum - (A place to go when you have questions.  THe forum users are friendly.  I get answers to most of my questions within 24 hours.)
  6. Other GeoGebra resources on the Web I like 


Technical Handouts

  1. guide to Tool Menus, Release 5.0 (For the computer version)



Applets from other workshops

  1. Exeter Workshop
  2. MSI worksop 

GeoGebra - Resources and notes for getting started


  1. and resources




Technical Handouts and Activity Pages


  1. Activity handouts
    1.  Graphing Inequalities with release 4.0 
    2. Calculus Activities
      1. An overview of calculus commands.
      2. Exploring Local Linearity.  This looks at the use of the two graphics windows.
      3. Slope Fields and Solution Curves.  The second graphics window is used as a place to store text and sliders.  Works with lists of points.
      4. An Overview of New Calculus abilities of GeoGebra 4.0 
    3. Statistics Activities - Statistics with Spreadsheets
    4. Creating a Tessellation  Applet
    5. Linear Algebra Activity
    6. A list of Favorite New Features of Release 4.0.
  2. Locally produced technical handouts for release 4.2.
    1. A guide 
  3. Locally produced technical handouts for release 4.0. 
    1. A guide to the tool menus, release 4.0
    2. A guide to the GeoGebra menus, release 4.0
    3. The Options menu with release 4.0
    4. Using Help with release 4.0
    5. Adding text to an activity with release 4.0
    6. Visual Styles with release 4.0
    7. Introduction to the spreadsheet view.
    8. Downloading applets and html pages with release 4.0
    9. Adding GeoGebra scripts to objects with release 4.0
    10. Using GeoGebra with other software:
      1. Exporting graphics as PNG files to include in Word - Exporting Graphs and graph paper with release 4.0
      2. Exporting graphics for inclusion in LaTeX
      3. Connecting gnuplot and LaTeX with GeoGebra 
    11. An example of creating a custom tool
  4. Locally produced technical handouts for release 3.2.
    1.  A guide to the tool menus, release 3.2
    2. A guide to the GeoGebra menus, release 3.2
    3. A list of the commands in release 3.2
    4. Sorted New Commands in 3.2
    5. Turning a geometric activity into an applet. Version 3.2 
    6. Adding text to an activity with release 3.2
    7. Adding a JavaScript panel to an applet with release 3.2
    8. Exporting Graph Paper, release 3.2
  5. Training Materials
    1. ICTCM 2012
      1. Outline for New Features of GeoGebra - ICTCM 2012
      2. Zipped Collection of Files and materials for ICTCM 2012 
      3. The computer minicourse paper - New Features of GeoGebra 4.0 
    2. MaineWorkshop - Two talks were presented,
      1. Constructing random quizzes,
      2. New Views on GeoGebra
    3. ICTCM 2018
      1. Introduction to visualization 

Examples of GeoGebra Tricks


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