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Page history
last edited
by Maria Falidas 13 years, 1 month ago
- Mike May. Associate Professor, Saint Louis University. Workshop organizer.
- Russell Blyth. Professor, Saint Louis University. Workshop organizer.
- Aileen Murphy. Graduate student, Saint Louis University. Workshop assistant.
- Craig Bailey Professor of Mathematics United States Naval Academy Annapolis MD
- Pamela Cohen, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Department Co-Chair at Southern New Hampshire University, Mancheseter, NH
- Auston Cron, aka, Tony, Mathematics Teacher, PSJA North High School, Pharr, TX and Adjunct Instructor, South Texas College, McAllen, TX
- David Edwards, Instructor, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA
- Hillary Einziger, Lecturer, Penn State University, University Park, PA
- Sharon Emerson-Stonnell, Mathematics Professor, Longwood University, Farmville, VA
- James Factor, Assistant Professor, Math and Computing Department, Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI
- Maria Falidas, Mathematics Teacher, American Community Schools of Athens, Greece
- Molly Fenn, Teaching Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- Elisse Ghitelman, Mathematics Teacher, Newton North High School, Newton, MA
- Hengli Jiao
- Doug Kuhlmann, Math teacher, Phillips Academy, Andover MA
- Yun Lu, Assistant Professor, Kutztown University of PA
- Dianne Marquart, Assistant Professor, Jefferson College, Hillsboro, MO
- Alison Moser Math Instructor, Marlborough School, Los Angeles, CA.
- John O'Neal
- Ellen Panofsky, Assistant Professor, Cabrini College, Radnor, PA
- June Patton, Math Teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist, Concord-Carlisle High School, Concord, MA
- James Quinlan, Dept. of Mathematics, University of New England
- Forest Reid
- Shumei Richman
- Kristen Schreck, Associate Professor, Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL
- Michael Ward, Professor, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR
- Eunkyung You
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Comments (1)
Dianne Marquart said
at 9:21 am on Jul 11, 2011
Hello! I have been a college mathematics instructor for the past seventeen years, the first three as an adjunct and after that fulltime. Currently I am getting ready to move to Hillsboro, MO to teach at Jefferson College for the upcoming academic year. Last summer I took the 2010 GeoGebra workshop and created a unit circle applet for my trig students (inspired by the one by Mike Mays). This summer I am hoping to refresh and improve my skills using GeoGebra and also have a particular interest in creating applets for Beginning Algebra through College Algebra.
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