Favorite New Features of Release 40

New features in GeoGebra


Release 4.0 has literally hundreds of additions and improvements.  I will highlight some that I find interesting.



o   LeftSum

o   RectangleSum

o   LowerSum

o   UpperSum

o   Min

o   Max

o   Extremum



o   Gamma, InverseGamma,

o   FDistribution, InverseFDistribution,

o   TDistribution, InverseTDistribution,

o   Cauchy, InverseCauchy,

o   ChiSquared, InverseChiSquared,

o   Exponential, InverseExponential,

o   Weibull. InverseWeibull, 

o   Binomial,  InverseBinomial,

o   Pascal,  InversePascal,

o   Poisson,  InversePoisson, 

o   HyperGeometric,  InverseHyperGeometric,

o   Zipf,  InverseZipf,  




Second Graphics window


Improvements to Interface

o   nice preview

o   palettes for constructions

o   insertion of algebraic objects

o   ggbBase64 encoding of ggb file in applet tag

o   open webpage


New Objects