LaTex with GeoGebra

LaTex with GeoGebra - I


In a previous document we looked at exporting graphics from GeoGebra as PNG files that can easily be imported into Word. We now want to look at exporting graphics from GeoGebra so that they can easily be imported into LaTex.


We start with a nice graphical image we would like to export.


From the "File" menu, we select "Export" and then "Graphics view as PGF/Tikz".


This brings up a dialog box. Select the button to generate the code, then the button to save the code.




We now have LaTex code that you can use in your favorite TeX engine.


We want to make some modifications to the TeX code. From the top:

We added the fullpage package to reduce margins to a more standard inch on each side.

We added some text before the picture so we can see it in the context of a page.

We enclosed the tikzpicture in an \fbox to see a box around the graphics.

We enclosed the boxed picture in a \centerline construction to center it.

We closed the \fbox and \centerline.

We added some text below the graphic.



We then run the TeX engine to see the picture in a LaTeX document.


More advanced issues:


© 2011, Mike May, S.J., Saint Louis University


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