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Adding an html page that has separate jar files

Page history last edited by Russell Blyth 13 years, 2 months ago

There are three basic approaches to adding a GeoGebra Applet to this wiki.


  1. We can view the wiki as a file storage space and then simply link to the pages as we would for other files.  We lose some of the wiki features, but it is easier to setup and move files.  We can then have a web page that includes the GeoGebra file within the applet tag using ggbBase64.  We then link to the GeoGebra jar file at the central server.
  2. As in the first case, we can view the wiki as a file storage space, but use local files so we are reproducing the file structure we would want if we were to run the applet locally and offline.
  3. We can do the insertion within the wiki structure.  This lets us edit the page with the nice editing tools provided with the wiki.  It also uses all of the nice security features of the wiki.  However we then are limited by those same features and the resulting pages become hard to move to another setting. 


This page covers the second method.  Currently, this method is only effective in Release 3.2, so we will assume you are using that version.


We start much as before.  Select the "ggb File & jar Files" button in the "Files" section of the advanced tab when exporting the activity to a dynamic worksheet.


This should give you a single file, the html file.


Upload the file to the wiki.


Note the file is in the file list.



Clicking on the html file loads it on your browser

Note the url of where the file is located.


As noted in the earlier pages on uploading files, the file was put in subdirectory f.


We would also like to be able to link to this page from another wiki page.  I will link to it from my personal page.

I load that page and engage the editor.

On the right side of the editor page I select the images and files tab

Now I click on the html file that I want a linked from my personal page.

and I get a link on my personal page that will call the html page.



A technical note - Why this works.

It is worthwhile to look at the html page generated if we export the applet with the "ggb Files & jar Files" box checked.

The first line of the applet tag calls for a file that is an archive and named "geogebra.jar".  The second line saying the codebase is "./" says that file, and any others the tag is refers to, can be found in the same folder as the html file. 

In the fourth line, the tag calls for a filename of "AngleBisectorMKM.ggb".  This is the ggb file that has our activity.

Starting in the sixth line, more jar files are listed along with version.  This allows the browser to see if it has these files in cache rather than needing to download them.


The html file we created has some significant differences:

The codebase has changed to "http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/3.2/".  This means that the browser will look on another server for files.

In the fourth line, rather than a filename we have ggbBase64.  This means the ggb file has been encoded in Base 64, which uses only regular ASCII characters, and put in the html tag.  The ggbBase64 portion of the tag goes on for quite a while.

After the ggbBase64 portion, the rest of the applet tag continues as before.


The pdf version of this file InsertingHtmlWiki2.pdf


Modified 07/11/2010


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