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Questions and Requests

Page history last edited by Russell Blyth 12 years, 6 months ago

Please post your questions and requests for applets, demonstrations or discussions on this page. We'll try to work replies into the workshop program. Please try to keep this page organized (we may rearrange your posts to help with that). Use of bulleted lists is encouraged.


Random Functions

Selecting a random function out of 10 with a button  A simple file to answer Hillary Einsiger's request.  I created 10 functions, put them in a list and then choose f=Element[list1,k]  The button has a script k=RandomBetween[1,10]


Controlling animations with a single button


I figured out how to make buttons to start and stop an animation, but I couldn't figure out how to consolidate them into one button.  Is it possible?  June (7/14/11 11:30 CST)

I got an answer to this on the forum.  Here it is:



a is your slider to animate

Then your button script is
b=-1 b


AnimationToggleABC.ggb  Animate with a button. Clarified naming also posted on Forum. ABC 7/15/2011 1 PM


Thanks, June - Mike and I figured out something equivalent after the session (I just saw this). We essentially get rid of the need for the c and if statement here, and use subtraction instead of multiplication for the switch. I posted an example (ToggleButton) on the Instructor Applets page -- Russell (7/14/11 6:53 PM CDT)


First applet


Can Mike May post the applet he created in this morning's class, so that we can figure out what we missed and try to fill in?  -- Elisse  (7/11/11 1:30 CST)   NEVER MIND, I see that it is posted on Instructor applets





Comments (Show all 69)

Michael Ward said

at 4:26 pm on Jul 13, 2011

I'd like to be able to move (translate or rotate, for example) a polygon as a "continuous" motion, rather than a jump to the final position. Or, rather, I would like to display such motion on an applet. (GSP has such a feature, though I can't remember how it works.)

Michael Ward said

at 4:37 pm on Jul 13, 2011

PS I'd also like to active such a motion with a button.

Michael Ward said

at 11:35 am on Jul 14, 2011

Thanks, Russell, for answering the first question about moving things "continuously." I'm waiting anxiously to see how to allow a student to activate such a motion with a button or check box.

Tony Cron said

at 9:25 pm on Jul 13, 2011

Look at the JavaScript examples provided by Mike on the main page.

Tony Cron said

at 9:27 pm on Jul 13, 2011

Look at this applet that I made, it has some introductory information that might help. http://www.psja.k12.tx.us/~abcron/GeoGebraMenu/GeogebraFiles/matrices/MatrixTraining.html

Tony Cron said

at 9:49 pm on Jul 13, 2011

I have added some GG5 files to my personal folder under Auston Cron. If you are interested in GG5 you are welcome to view and borrow.

Russell Blyth said

at 9:56 am on Jul 14, 2011

Will have an intro to matrices this morning

Alison Moser said

at 12:20 pm on Jul 14, 2011

As promised, I have a lot of questions. Here are some of them (and I'm working in 3.2 because I can't get 4.0 to work properly):

1) I can't find/remember how to change the x axis to be in terms of pi/2 instead of integer values.
2) I want to graph a function with a restricted domain...how do I do that?

Tony Cron said

at 12:55 pm on Jul 14, 2011

1) goto graphic view, x-axis, check distance and select or type choice
2) there are two way; however, most of the time use the If[] statement
e.g. f(x) = x^2 + sin(x) for x < 2, write f(x)=If[x< 2, x^2 + sin(x), <otherwise>]
<otherwise> is another function, another If[], or nothing.

Alison Moser said

at 1:26 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Thank you, Tony! I thought about the x<2 but I want it on a closed interval and 0<x<2 didn't work. Do I need an 'and' statement or something?

David L. Edwards said

at 1:37 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Often in Text displays we have formulas involving (x-h) or (y-k) which looks ok when h, k are positive. When they are negative they look ugly (x--h) or (y--k), and while you can kinda defend it, my personal preference is for it to display as (x+h) etc. I've include a snippet of code showing how I address this in my applet folder, but if anyone has simpler code I would appreciate it.

Michael Ward said

at 2:21 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Will we learn how to create our own buttons.

Ellen said

at 2:24 pm on Jul 14, 2011

I'm working on completing my applet. I can't get the GeoGebra tools to show up when I open the htlm file. I have gone into the source and changed the height and width, but I still cannot get them to appear.

Tony Cron said

at 2:30 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Have you gone into the advanced tab when exporting, this is where you set up basic options. You can edit the HTML from false to true, save and reload it no other option.

Ellen said

at 3:17 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Thanks, that worked. However, now the captions that go with my text fields are not showing up in my applet

Tony Cron said

at 6:42 pm on Jul 14, 2011

I would have to see the files to diagnosis this problem.

Mike May, S.J. said

at 7:16 am on Jul 15, 2011

Similar to advice you just followed. This time look for "ToolBarHelp" and make it true.

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 6:01 pm on Jul 14, 2011

I created a check box for a function f(x) and selected/hid objects used in the construction of my applet. Now, I would like to go back to hide other objects related to the f(x) check box. I can't seem to get to that same screen upon CNTRL-CLICK of the check box - I just get the Object Properties window. How to get back to list of items to hide?

Tony Cron said

at 6:41 pm on Jul 14, 2011

That is one of the problems with check boxes, no way to edit. You have two choices 1) redo all check boxes, for somethings this is horrendous.
2) find the name of the boolean for the check box (its name), for each object that you want to be controlled by that boolean, enter name in the advanced tab for the object in the first line condition to show object. The nice thing about this method is that the object can have multiple controls by writing the appropriate boolean expressions.

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 9:18 pm on Jul 14, 2011

Thanks, Tony, that helps.

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 12:49 pm on Jul 15, 2011

Hi Tony, I thought I understood what you meant by (2). I entered the name (text9) of the object in the advance tab and in the condition to show object and got an error "invalid input". Would appreciate any help you could offer.

Mike May, S.J. said

at 7:13 am on Jul 15, 2011

Following Up on Tony, Method 2 is one of the reasons I rename my boolean values (checkboxes) with a name that indicates the intended action. It lets me edit the advanced properties more easily

Mike May, S.J. said

at 7:34 am on Jul 15, 2011

The cleanest alternative to a drop down menu is the slider option. Note the polar applet that June Patton demonstrated is a very nice example of this. She has a list of functions and uses a slider to select which one is designated as f.

Tony Cron said

at 8:05 am on Jul 15, 2011

On using CAS in the classroom, I have been considering showing Algebra I students the steps needed to solve equations using the properties of equality. CAS commands listed here http://www.geogebra.org/trac/wiki/GeoGebraCAS/Documentation

3x + 5 = 7
(3x + 5 = 7) - 5
(3x = 2)/3
x = 2 / 3

This will re-enforce what is taught in the classroom.

Equations are written using the simple Equals sign, e.g. 3x + 5 = 7
You can perform arithmetic operations on equations, e.g. (3x + 5 = 7) - 5 subtracts 5 from both sides of the equation. This is useful for manual equation solving.
LeftSide[3x + 5 = 7] gives 3x+5 and RightSide[3x + 5 = 7] gives 7

With these students, do not use advanced methods in CAS.

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 9:05 am on Jul 15, 2011

Question for Group 1: In the FunctionsasIntegral applet, how did you make the Clear Traces check box actually clear the traces? I can create the check box - it is not doing what I would like it to do. Thank you.

Russell Blyth said

at 9:44 am on Jul 15, 2011

Hi Kristen,

See if the explanation on Doug's (Participants applets) page helps: https://prep11geogebra.pbworks.com/w/page/42119896/Doug-Kuhlmann's-applets

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 1:57 pm on Jul 15, 2011

Thanks very much, Russell.

Michael Ward said

at 9:40 am on Jul 15, 2011

I think someone mentioned it is possible to create new tools. I'd like to see an example.

Russell Blyth said

at 9:44 am on Jul 15, 2011

Mike has this planned for today. :-)

Tony Cron said

at 1:36 pm on Jul 15, 2011

That method works well in GG3.2, I have requested a scripting command on the forum. If others join and request it may be created, this is one command that I think that will be simple to create.

Join the GeoGebra Forum, its free.

Tony Cron said

at 1:33 pm on Jul 15, 2011

Great site for Euclidean Geometry is Linda F-S site Ruler and Compass at http://geogebrawiki.pbworks.com/w/page/10994355/Compass-and-Straightedge

Setup is ready for most Euclidean work.

Kristen R. Schreck said

at 1:40 pm on Jul 15, 2011

Anyone familiar with LimitAbove and LimitBelow commands? They are giving me the same value at a jump.

Russell Blyth said

at 2:01 pm on Jul 15, 2011

I noticed that. It seems to be a "feature" (bug) at this point.

Elisse Ghitelman said

at 9:49 am on Jul 28, 2011

I posted a 4.0 update of a file on my applet page. I would like to allow the user to see either tangents to curves XOR secants to curves, but not both, or to see neither. I'd really like something that works like radio buttons. Any ideas? TIA.

Mike May, S.J. said

at 6:42 am on Aug 8, 2011

The page of adding GGB scripts has been updated to include an example of radio buttons.
You add a series of checkboxes with scripts, where each script sets the value of that box to true and
the other boxes to false.

Hillary Einziger said

at 1:12 pm on Aug 11, 2011

I'm trying to put together an applet where the student can click a button and it will display a graph randomly, from a list of 15 or so different functions that I provide. Something similar to the "reset the graph" button at http://webspace.ship.edu/msrenault/GeoGebraCalculus/derivative_try_to_graph.html What's the best way to do this?

dkuhlmann@andover.edu said

at 3:52 pm on Aug 11, 2011

Hillary, I just posted a ggb file that does something what you want. Ten functions are in a list and the function graphed is f=Element[list1,k] where k is randomluy chosen 1 and 10 when the button is selected.

Hillary Einziger said

at 2:04 pm on Aug 11, 2011

Also, is there documentation anywhere on exporting an applet using HTML5 so that it will run on an iPad? Whenever I try, the toolbar disappears.

Hillary Einziger said

at 11:46 am on Aug 12, 2011

Is there a way to erase everything done with the pen tool with one button or checkbox? Basically, what I want to do is be able to draw something with the pen -- possibly with a few separate pieces -- and then erase all the pen work and draw something else. The only way I've figured out is to use the arrow to select a rectangle to draw in, then draw there, creating an image, and then delete that whole image when I don't want to see the pen marks anymore, but I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to do it without having to redraw the box each time.

Actually, now that I think about it, one way might be to have a single button that's scripted to delete the current pic and select a new box to start the next drawing, but I'm not sure how to do that. I think I need to learn some more about scripting to get this to work right.

Hillary Einziger said

at 1:10 pm on Aug 15, 2011

I added my current draft of the file to my applets page. Right now, I've got it so that I could use it for class demonstrations -- I can show the graph, then use the move tool to make a box, then use the pen to draw the derivative, then click on the move tool again, then click the check box to show the actual graph of the derivative. Then, to get to the next graph, I need to delete the box I created at the beginning, then click the "random graph" button to get the next graph. I'd like to be able to make this somewhat simpler so that I can have it on a web page where students can practice independently -- having to create and delete the boxes each time is too complicated, and it leaves the graph littered with points from the corners of the boxes. Any ideas on how to get this to work?

I tried getting an account on the Geogebra forum, but their system thought I was a bot and wouldn't let me register.

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