A page for applets by the workshop leaders
- Monday afternoon - An applet using algebra tools
- QuadraticsRDB.html contains the applet in a web page
- QuadraticsRDB.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- Tuesday afternoon - unit circle parameterization and spreadsheet features
- UnitCircleRDB.html contains the unit circle applet in a web page
- UnitCircleRDB.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- SpreadsheetStatsRDB.html contains the spreadsheet with statistical features in a web page
- SpreadsheetStatsRDB.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- Wednesday morning - a collection of applets for calculus
- Derivatives.html contains the applet exploring some derivative tools
- Derivatives.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- Taylor.html contains the applet demonstrating Taylor polynomials
- Taylor.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- AreaSums.html contains the applet exploring Riemann sums and integrals
- AreaSums.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- Series.html contains the applet for sequences and series
- Series.ggb is the GeoGebra file
- Thursday morning - matrices in GeoGebra 4.0 and some image manipulations
(Note that I had trouble getting the applets that use GeoGebra 4.0 features to save as html pages,
so the html pages that are here were created in GeoGebra 3.2)
- Matrices in GeoGebra 4.0 -
- MatricesRDB.ggb
- Image manipulations - attaching images to points and moving them.
- ButterflyOnCurveRDB.html contains the applet
- ButterflyOnCurveRDB.ggb is the session ggb file (opens in 3.2 or 4.0)
- ButterflyOnCurveButtonRDB.ggb adds buttons that control the animation (GeoGebra 4.0 only)
- Geometric transformations of images (and other objects)
- FrogTransformationsRDB.ggb is the GeoGebra 4.0 ggb file (includes ApplyMatrix, a 4.0 only command)
- Tessellations
- FishTessellationRDB.html contains the applet
- FishTessellationRDB.ggb is the GeoGebra file (opens in 3.2 or 4.0)
- Thursday afternoon - we figured out a way to implement a toggle button for starting and stopping an animation (this could easily be adapted for other uses) using a binary integer-valued variable:
- ToggleButtonRDB.html contains the applet
- ToggleButtonRDB.ggb is the ggb file
- Friday afternoon - implicit functions (can't seem to get the html version to load)
- Implicit.ggb is the ggb applet
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